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    Now reading: Art For India are selling prints to raise urgent funds


    Art For India are selling prints to raise urgent funds

    Buy photography donated by renowned Indian artists to help with the Covid-19 crisis.


    As people around the world are being vaccinated in an effort to create widespread immunity to Covid-19, India is in the midst of a devastating second wave of the virus. With over 300,000 new cases being reported every day, and a total number of active cases around 3.5 million, the situation is dire. Even worse, medical experts believe that the real numbers across the country of 1.35 billion may actually be far higher than the official tally.

    With hospitals at capacity and a shortage of oxygen and supplies, sick people are being turned away, and in many cases dying unnecessarily.  

    In response, fundraising efforts are springing up everywhere. Right now, Art For India is selling photo prints by renowned artists from India and the diaspora who’ve donated some incredible work. Artists including Bharat Sikka, Prarthna Singh, Kalpesh Lathigra, Ashish Shah and Avani Rai have all given photographs for the sale.

    Running until 9 May, each print is being sold for £100 and all proceeds — less printing and shipping costs — will be donated to Mission Oxygen, a group of entrepreneurs in India who have launched an urgent operation to import oxygen concentrators and distribute them to hospitals across the country. 

