The greatest nation on earth is the upwards sliver of an island in the Atlantic, covered in mountains and lochs and endless fields of green, with some towns and cities carved into it. We’re talking about Scotland of course, the historic Celtic nation known best for kilts, bagpipes, great indie music and food made from animals’ innards that makes cowards quiver. While the beauty lies in Edinburgh, the country’s beating heart is Glasgow: a city of 620,000 friendly folk who know how to have a good time.
In the run up to Burn’s Night, photographer Izzy Leach headed into its streets and suburbs to meet the people that make it so special, and asked them the real hard questions, like ‘Where’s good in Glasgow?’, ‘What stereotypes about the city are true?’ and, most importantly, when it comes to how they like their sausage: ‘Square or link?’.

What’s your name and how old are you? Trackie, Old enough to know better. What part of Glasgow do you live in? Scotstoun Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That we’re all on drugs. Only some of us are. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? That it’s pure baltic. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The indoor smoking area in the Laurieston pub. Square or link? Square, because we invented that shit. Square on a Mortons roll: it doesn’t get any better than that.

Tam, 24
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Anniesland. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That we get a summer. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? Everyone does love drinking. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Kelvingrove Skate Park. Square or link? Square. It’s hard to do a good square sausage. See when I was at school they used to boil the square, but that’s fucked it needs to be fried.

Skye + Doobie
What’s your name and how old are you? I’m Skylermyler and I’m 33 bitch. What part of Glasgow do you live in? I live in the city centre, Blythswood square. The red light district. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That it’s shite. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? We can hold our drink better than most. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The West Side Tavern, it’s the best Paloma on the planet. Square or link? Square. Every fucking day, are you awrite?

Skalley, 30
What part of Glasgow do you live in? A little place called Renfrew. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? I’ve had many conversations where people think Scotland is just like hills and villages n like we all know how to ride horses. And they’re baffled I come from a city. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? That we’re drunk but we don’t actually drink that much. Also that our accent is a nightmare for anyone outside of Scotland to understand. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Renfrew skate park and the wee shop next to KG that sells wine – GG Bros. One time I bought a playboy cushion aff the woman there. Square or link? Savoury square, it’s like breaded with herbs round it.

Shannon, 25
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Am fae Paisley. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? People undermine us a lot in general, in like knowledge and education. I think people think we’re a bit stupid. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? That we love a party. We bring it all the time. I have family in England and if you go to a party there and everyone’s drunk by the end of the night, you know you’ve brought it. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Places like Sub Club and SWG3, go to like a Harri and Domenic night, go see Slam. Square or link? Square, 110.

Rae, 26
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Pollokshields, south side. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? Don’t people think that Scottish people are really ugly? I saw on an online article that Scotland was one of the ugliest nations, and that’s a shame because freckles are nice. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? Nature is beautiful and it’s very connected to the music. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? I like Sharmanka, the kinetic sculpture guy in Trongate. It’s a permanent folk art exhibition and I think his grandchild runs it now. Or necropolis. Square or link? Square.

Katy, 54 + Don, 57
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Robroyston. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That people are tight with money. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? Glaswegian’s are very friendly. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The Barras. Square or link? Square, had that for breakfast this morning.

Jaffa, 31
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Renfrew. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That we’re shite at fighting, Buckfast is like one of our five a day, and so are haggis and bonbons. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? We’re good at fighting and drinking Buckfast. I’m joking, I can never be serious when talking bout Scotland because we’re aw fun and games. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Sleazy’s and KG. Square or link? I think everyone knows the fucking answer, square.

Jack, 24
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Dennistoun. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That there’s not much going on creatively. I’m from Aberdeen so it’s very oil and gas. Folk kind of think of that as the industry but there’s a lot of creativity and innovation in Scotland. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true?That we love greasy food, that we love to sesh and get on it. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Where I go sit and read is the botanic gardens. Square or link? Link all the way.

Fergus, 22
What part of Glasgow do you live in? City Centre. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That it’s always cold. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? That you can’t understand the Glaswegian accent. When they go fast, everyone agrees it’s the hardest. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The Hunterian Museum, above the university of Glasgow. Square or link? Link.

Chelsea, 26
What part of Glasgow do you live in? I live in the south side, Govanhill. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That the food here is terrible. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? We love a party and will make any excuse to go to the pub and have a celebration. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? If you’re after a good meal go to Big Counter for dinner. Square or link? Square, always.

Bob, 55
What part of Glasgow do you live in? I live in a wee village outside of Glasgow, Bridge of Weir. But my father came from the Gorbals, so my heart is here. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That it’s either mountains or lochs or deprivation. But it can be both and it’s so much more in the middle. It’s one of the most diverse, most welcoming wee countries in the world. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? We die young sadly. A lot of that is to do with poverty. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The Barras, I came here as a child to get school clothes and the rest of it. It went through a difficult patch but look at it now, it’s the most vibrant, exciting, inclusive and safe parts of Scotland. I can walk about wearing what I want and it’s wonderful and life affirming. Square or link? Oh square, I can’t eat pork so it’s always got to be a steak Lorne. See if you get a bad Lorne sausage, it’s soul destroying and heartbreaking, but see if you get a good one…

Ava, 25
What part of Glasgow do you live in? West of the west end, Anniesland. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That everyone here is mean and Glaswegian’s especially, but they’re the friendliest people. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? That they drink a lot but I respect it, it’s the only way to get through the long dark nights. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? Mr Ben’s Retro. It’s an incredible vintage store owned by these two sister’s and one of their husband’s. They know the story behind every piece, they’re such a good time and everything they have in there is so unique and colourful. Square or link? If it’s in a roll, then square, but I see the value of both.

Angie, 66
What part of Glasgow do you live in? I don’t, I live on the Isle of Bute. Tell me a misconception people have of Scotland? That it’s rough. Before I transitioned but first starting being camp I took a selfie on Sauchiehall street, and someone said, ‘omg you can’t do that’ and I said, ‘look I can sashay round here looking like a big girl’s blouse’. The only thing that’s happened to me tonight is that a bunch of lads shouted ‘meow sexy’. It’s friendly, it’s inclusive, it’s liberal…it’s much nicer than England I’m sorry to say it. I don’t get no bother here. It’s the place to be. What’s a stereotype of Scotland that’s true? Drinking. Empty bottles of Bucky lining the pavements, but I’m not going to criticise. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? The botanic gardens, it’s divine. Square or link? Link all day long, I’m celiac and they’ve yet to make a gluten free square sausage.

Amir, 26
What part of Glasgow do you live in? Finnieston. If I come to Glasgow, what’s one place I can’t miss out on? I have been here only for a month now, I don’t know many places.
Photography: Izzy Leach