After spending the past 30 years creating the planet’s favorite animated films, Studio Ghibli decided to try its hand at TV in 2014. Despite originally announcing plans to close the studio that same year, Ghibli kept up work and produced the 26-episode series Ronja the Robber’s Daughter. Based on the 1981 novel by Astrid Lindgren — who also wrote Pippi Longstocking — it follows a group of woodland thieves led by a young girl. With a plucky female lead, lovable band of rogues, and a beautiful wilderness setting it was pretty much born to be a Ghibli production.
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son Goro, Ronja was originally released in Japan but hasn’t been available outside the country or in English. That’ll change later this year when it premieres on Amazon Prime. So far all we know about the English dubbing cast is that Gillian Anderson is on board to serve as the narrator. But looking back over the studio’s previous lineups, we doubt she’ll be the only star in the mix.
While there isn’t a solid release date yet, check out the original Japanese trailer below.
Text Wendy Syfret
Screenshot via YouTube