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    Now reading: cate blanchett wants us to step up for syrian refugees


    cate blanchett wants us to step up for syrian refugees

    "If you think back to the second World War, knowing what we know now, we don’t want to look back in 50 years time and think we weren’t there, we didn’t help."


    Cate Blanchett ‘s latest film Carol premiered at BFI London Film Festival a few evenings ago and for the most elegant Aussie ever born the evening wasn’t just a celebration, but an opportunity to speak on some crucial topics.

    Discussing the refugee crisis in Syria, Cate explained It’s a very complex situation but it’s a global issue and it’s very hard for the countries who have been very open to the Syrian refugees.The more other countries don’t step up to the plate it puts a great burden on those countries and those populations.”

    Later in the evening, she spoke on Hollywood’s continued failure to embrace complex roles for female actors as normal. “Every time there’s interesting, complex roles played by actresses on screen, someone says, ‘Do you think this is a breakthrough?’ and, ‘Does this mean there’s going to be more of the same?’ We seem to find ourselves in the same conversation and that’s somehow remarkable.”

    It’s not the first time Cate’s spoken on either topic. She’s long advocated for more compassionate refugee policy, partnering with UNHCR last month; “there are thousands of families all over Europe in desperate need of our care and support,” she urged.

    During her Best Actress Academy Award acceptance speech in 2014, she declared; “To those in the industry who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films, with women at the centre, are niche experiences: they are not. Audiences want to see them, and, in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people.” What a legend.


    Image via Wiki Commons
