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    Now reading: celebrate juneteenth​ with no sesso x rhea dillon’s black angel film


    celebrate juneteenth​ with no sesso x rhea dillon’s black angel film

    The gender-blending label collaborates with photographer and filmmaker Rhea Dillon to release Black Angel — a meditation on themes of restraint, freedom and identity.


    With a penchant for knitwear and a disregard for gender norms, No Sesso is the gender-blending label from 27-year-old Pierre Davis, quietly making waves in the L.A. underground.

    To celebrate Juneteenth — a US holiday recognising the final emancipation of black slaves in Texas — No Sesso has collaborated with photographer and filmmaker Rhea Dillon to release Black Angel — a meditation on themes of restraint, freedom and identity. Premiering last week in L.A., the film is styled entirely in No Sesso’s ‘Gems of Hoover Street Saint Dunn’ collection and highlights the lack of innocence that black people are allowed in an increasingly right wing America.

    Rhea looked to recent tragedies as a catalyst, questioning the very nature of liberty in the United States. “Too many times black people are unlawfully killed without even being able to put their hands up in innocence,” she says. “Instead, they are instantly perceived as a threat to society from birth, especially for young black boys –- so tell me, is there any innocence for us? Are we all just angels on the land awaiting heaven’s open door?”

    In a series of vignettes shot on a mini DV camera, the visuals play out like singles on an album, a conceptual collection of shorts that unite for the same message. Each scene has the gorgeous intimacy of a home movie and the quiet political power of a silent protest. Rhea cast friends and family of the brand, as well as street cast contributors from surrounding neighbourhoods to provide voices unique voices in the film. Rhea told us, “through No Sesso’s garments there is no conforming identity. There’s no denotation of male or female. You’re allowed to just be who you want to be regardless of society’s rules. This film will address and display the freedom of the black being, being allowed to just be.“

    Alert yourself to the positive power of non-comformity with Black Angel, and free yourself by just being you.
