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    Now reading: check out petra collins, avrida bystrom, and molly soda’s work in art baby’s first irl group show


    check out petra collins, avrida bystrom, and molly soda’s work in art baby’s first irl group show

    Grace Miceli’s online gallery opens its first IRL show — 'Girls at Night on the Internet' — in Brooklyn.


    Last month, i-D caught up with Grace Miceli, the 26-year-old New York-based artist behind Art Baby, an online gallery of digitally focused multimedia artists. Although Art Baby has been staging monthly solo exhibitions on its website, tonight marks the gallery’s first ever IRL show, Girls at Night on the Internet. The group exhibition packs a powerful roster of 18 young female artists including Grace herself, Petra Collins, Avrida Bystrom, Molly Soda, Vivian Fu, and Molly Matalon.

    Featuring photography, illustration, graphic design, and the compelling hybrids somewhere in between, the show “aims to provide a platform for artists who are traditionally underrepresented or overlooked by the traditional art world,” its Facebook page states, noting the IRL gallery is “a physical manifestation of the space we have already created for ourselves online.”

    “I visit galleries in Chelsea and I see mostly work by old cis straight white men, and that’s so boring to me,” Grace told i-D. “When I look at art online I see so many different experiences and voices represented that have been missing in the traditional art world for so long.”

    Girls at Night opens at Brooklyn’s Alt Space (zine freaks will remember the space as the old Muddguts Gallery) tonight at 6 pm and runs until September 12. More information here


    Text Emily Manning
    Photography Vivian Fu
