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    Now reading: the best things to watch, see and do this week in the uk


    the best things to watch, see and do this week in the uk

    Get your indispensable gui-De to leisure action, with our culture highlights of the week.


    Art: Chloe Wise — Not That We Don’t
    It’s Monday and it’s grey and raining so why not start the week off with some beautiful art to cheer yourself up? Yeah? Yeah! Chloe Wise’s seventh exhibition — and her first ever in London! — opens this week. A veritable smorgasbord of mediums (including painting, sculpture, video and installation) Not That We Don’t is a vibrant, intimate exploration of how we commercialise our appearance and existence. The show is open until May, but we suggest getting in there early.
    ‘Not That We Don’t’ is open at the Almine Rech Gallery Wed 10 April to Sat 18 May.

    Panel: Hitting Reset — How to Build an Industry Where Women Thrive
    Mad that in 2019 the music industry is still a boy’s club, isn’t it. Mad, and also infuriating. The sad state of the music business as a white, male, badly stubbled and leather-jacketed affair is what DICE are attempting to change with their first ever Girls Music Week, kicking off today. An expanded version of their annual Girls Music Day, which began back in 2014, Girls Music Week is a launchpad both to inspire young women to get into the industry and connect them with people who can help them achieve their goals. The endeavour begins today with a talk on building a new, gender-balanced music industry, with a panel talk led by gal-dem’s Natty Kasambala, the Guardian’s Laura Snapes and campaigners from Girls Against and Good Night Out.
    Find out more about DICE’s Girls Music Week and buy tickets for the week’s events here.

    Music: Dreaming the City — Boiler Room x Total Refreshment Centre
    If you’re a fan of both music and history then look no further for the perfect midpoint in your Venn diagram of interests than this Boiler Room event. A collaboration with Total Refreshment Centre, Dreaming the City celebrates east London’s previously untold musical history. Billed as a ‘live mixtape’ and taking place at the Barbican, the evening will chart three decades of the Total Refreshment Centre building’s history, from Caribbean social club and rehearsal space to influential studio, to reggae and dub hub and iconic jazz venue. Beats and a history lesson — what more could you want on a Saturday night?
    Dreaming the City takes place Saturday 13 April. Tickets available here.


    Film: Smart Robots, Mortal Engines — Stanisław Lem on Film
    Polish author Stanisław Lem was really ahead of his time, you know. Long before Sophia the Robot, AI porn and Robot Wars, he was writing and thinking across the genres that fascinate our collective imagination in 2019 — horror, detective procedurals, and science fiction; and in particular science fiction which focused on robots, cyborgs and artificial intelligence. Unsurprisingly, his work inspired many sci-fi films, which are being celebrated all this week at the Barbican. As part of a partnership with Kinoteka Polish Film Festival, you can catch a selection of Lem’s lesser-known adaptations, simultaneously both nostalgic and futuristic.
    Find out more about Smart Robots, Mortal Engines: Stanisław Lem on Film and its full list of events this week here.

    Nature! PLANTSEX at The Serpentine
    Everyone is a plant mom in 2019. It’s great! But also, not everyone can keep a plant alive. And by everyone I mean me. If that’s also you, then why not enjoy our current cultural botanical obsession with Serpentine Gallery’s PLANTSEX. Part of the gallery’s General Ecology project, PLANTSEX is an evening of talks, screenings and performances which reflect on the deep relationship between botany and eroticism. Tickets are currently sold out, but don’t fret. The event will also be live-streamed on The Serpentine’s social media channels, so you can, ahem, enjoy it in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
    Find out more about the event here and bookmark the ‘PLANTSEX’ live stream here.

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