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    Now reading: David Lynch just re-released an eerie 2002 web series on YouTube


    David Lynch just re-released an eerie 2002 web series on YouTube

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    Aside from the long-overdue removal of racist statues, it’s fair to say that there isn’t much good going on in the world at the minute. But the news that David Lynch has reached back into his archives and released some old gold onto YouTube is at least something we can cherish.

    Following the release of his creepy short film Pożar onto the platform last month, David Lynch is continuing his journey to be a veritable YouTube vlogger sensation with the release of 2002’s Rabbits.

    The web-series, the first episode of which is available on YouTube now, is a 15-minute short about three anthropomorphic rabbits. Over the course of three episodes the trio of rabbits — voiced by Scott Coffey, Laura Elena Harring and Naomi Watts — enact an eerie sitcom, told almost entirely through non-sequiturs all in the strange living room set. Miffy it is not.

    Filmed entirely in the garden of the director’s Hollywood home, Rabbits is punctuated by a laugh track as the rabbits say stuff to each other like “Were you blonde?” and “No one must find out about this”. The experience is akin to watching an episode of Friends on acid.

    Maybe the series will become less strange and eerie and creepy and more cute and bunny-themed in the next two episodes? Given that it’s David Lynch, probably not, and to be honest we like the terrifying rabbit show as it is. Watch it here!
