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    Now reading: diet prada announced as woolmark prize advisors


    diet prada announced as woolmark prize advisors

    They joined an advisory council with some of the fashion industry’s most influential.


    Today the Woolmark prize announced the nominees for this year’s prize along with the members of a new advisory board who helped select them. Amongst the list of editors, media founders and stylists on the council one name stood out more than others — Diet Prada.

    Speaking on their appointment, the co-founders of everybody’s favourite fashion call-out account said, “Having built the presence of Diet Prada through thoughtful commentary on both established luxury players and small independent brands, it was an amazing experience to actually contribute to the selection process for the Woolmark Prize.”

    Diet Prada used their encyclopaedic fashion knowledge alongside other members of the council to help select 42 nominees from over 300 applicants for this years prize. The nominees will now present their brand at three semi-final events in July.

    Each year the Woolmark prize awards $200,000 to one menswear designer and one womenswear designer, along with an additional $100,000 innovators prize going to a third finalist. The prize supports emerging designers throughout the process by nurturing them with valuable funds and industry mentorships.

    With the ever-ferocious Diet Prada now involved in the proceedings at least we can be sure there’ll be no knockoffs making their way past the judging panel.
