Jan Svankmajer is the legendary Czech animator and director behind surreal classics such as Little Otik, Alice and Faust. If you were to describe his films to someone who hadn’t seen them, perhaps the best way would be ‘stop motion nightmares’, often filmed from a child’s perspective. For his latest film, entitled Insects, which as one might imagine is an insight into human nature via the world of bugs (and rumoured to be his last film), he’s turned to crowdfunding with Indiegogo.
“We make a movie every five or six years not because of lack of ideas, but due to lack of funds to back up our projects,” says Svankmajer. “Crowdfunding may be a way to change this.” We hope so – whilst the world may not need another superhero franchise, the director’s unique, timeless style of animation needs another airing.
Little Otik:
Text Jack Sunnucks
Image via YouTube