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    Now reading: exploring london’s lgbt clubbing scene, straight up


    exploring london’s lgbt clubbing scene, straight up

    To accompany the first episode of our Summer of Love video series, we went to party with a group of friends who met in London’s gay club scene to discover why queer spaces are so important.


    Adrian Bernal, 25, Seville, Spain
    What do you do? I will start fine arts in September. I also model.
    What is the best thing about living in London? The freedom to be yourself.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? Obvs to protect the minorities.
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? Nowadays, South London.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? I’m easy, anything 70s or early 2000.
    What does true love mean to you? Everything; I’m Spanish, you know.

    Christos Petritzis, 22, Athens, Greece
    What do you do? I’m finishing my MA and I make a magazine called Ruins.
    What’s the best thing about living in London? I love the sun here!
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. The Ruins #1 launch party was iconic but I can’t remember most of it.
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? My bed.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? Thalia, “Desde Esta Noche.”
    What does true love mean to you? Being able to fight (and to make up).

    J Bontha, 23, Texas
    What do you do? Create and communicate.
    What’s the best thing about living in London? Freedom of expression and youth culture.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? They are places of inherent acceptance where you don’t have to explain yourself.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. EVERYTHING October 30, 2013.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? Vogue.
    What does true love mean to you? So much <3.

    Kurtiss Lloyd, 26, London
    What do you do? Photographer.
    What’s the best thing about living in London? Freedom of expression and access to people.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? You are there to express, be shocking, and to be visually stimulated.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. Taking a group of friends to Sink The Pink; whether they’ve been there or not, it’s always a wonderful experience. You leave with a room full of friends from all over.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? Natalie Cole, “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love).”
    What does true love mean to you? “It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.”

    Luke Ferris, 30, London via Nottingham 
    What do you do? I work in marketing.
    What’s the best thing about living in London? The massive amount of incredible culture available to you, and the huge diversity in one big place.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? So that LGBT people have a safe space where they can come together. A queer space is just as important for an 18 year old who has just come out as a 70 year old who needs support from their community.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. I run a yearly pageant called The Alternative Alternative Miss World; it’s like a 4-5 hour run of pure adrenalin and ridiculousness. They are always pretty fun…
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? The Queen of Adelaide basement.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? Mutya Keisha Siobhan, “Flatline.”
    What does true love mean to you? I’m super stubborn, so I guess patience?

    Maximilian Davis, 21, Manchester
    What do you do? Study womenswear at London College of Fashion
    What’s the best thing about living in London? Wasabi and the amount of creativity that’s here.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. I’ve had too many good nights in London so it’s hard for me to say which one was the best. All I need is my friends and good music to have a good night.
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? My bed.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? LSDXOXO, “Learning.”
    What does true love mean to you? I’ve never been in love but I think it has a lot to do with respect and loyalty.

    Samuel Douek, 25, London
    What do you do? Unqualified architect, budget filmmaker, queer performer, and event producer.
    What is the best thing about living in London? The diverging of every culture, creed, race, age, gender, and sexuality.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? Queer spaces give access to alternative forms of identity, celebrating difference and promoting being fabulous! They are subversive environments that serve as a model of governance for wider society.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. Definitely my own club night BUM.P at VFD in Dalston. The next one is this Saturday, July 2. Obvs come!
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? The stage of my caravan floor, surrounded by the bright lights and the fresh air in the middle of the city.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? At the moment, Ariana Grande’s “Into You,” the gay anthem of 2016
    What does true love mean to you? Uncontrollable feeling and all consuming passion. It brings such highs and sometimes damaging lows but it worth every second of feeling.

    Zoe Marden, 30, Hong Kong
    What do you do? I am an artist.
    What’s the best thing about living in London? The music, the parks, the people, the drizzle.
    Why is it so important that we keep queer spaces alive? Queer spaces are a porthole into the unknown, where you can create a world that doesn’t exist yet. For me they are feminist space where as women you don’t have to conform to any sort of ideal and you can be as experimental as you want free from judgement.
    Tell us about the best night out you’ve had in London. The Alternative Alternative Miss World Competition, a night that me and my friends organize. It’s a spoof on Miss World where you take the piss and create your own version of daywear, swimwear and evening — anyone can compete. 
    Where’s your favorite place to hang out? My studio in South Bermondsey.
    What song gets you on the dancefloor? Rihanna, “Needed Me,” Dej Loaf, “Try Me,” Future, and anything by Madonna.
    What does true love mean to you? True Love can only happen when you can truly love yourself.


    Photography Lula Ososki
