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    Now reading: global dancefloor: madrid


    global dancefloor: madrid

    For Music Week, i-D editors around the globe are giving you the lowdown on the best places to get down, telling us about the clubs that currently enjoy legendary status in their home cities. We kick the series off by heading to Madrid, where gay party…


    Madrid is well known for being a paradise for both club kids and Spanish people who want to “make it” in the big city. The willingness of Madrilenos to party hard is as big as their weakness for tapas and cañas (small Spanish beers). There is a festival spirit in the heart of Madrid that makes it so easy for its citizens to let go. Needless to say, for a party to stand out in a city like this isn’t easy, which is why the broad commercial success of Que Trabaje Rita is so astonishing.

    It all started a couple of years ago as a Sunday evening party in a small club. The concept was quite simple: a group of drag queens got together and created a cabaret show mixing and matching their various musical fetishes, each of them enjoying their own little number with a different sound and costume.

    At Que Trabaje Rita, there’s a place for every kind of character: the Britney Spears lookalike, the pop star La Prohibida, the old Flamenco diva or the avant-garde fashion type (embodied by Sansano Nasnas, whose otherworldly make-up and costumes make us daydream about a better world).

    Que Trabaje Rita was born in Madrid but is celebrated in Barcelona once every month at Apolo, has cruised the Mediterranean to Italy and flown overseas to Mexico. The crowd has changed from almost exclusively gay to gay-friendly. The only requirement for this party is that prejudices must be left outside. It’s time to dance!



    Text Vicente Ferrer
    Photography Dominik Valvo
