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    Now reading: grimes doesn’t have new music coming soon, but she’s cosigned these remixes


    grimes doesn’t have new music coming soon, but she’s cosigned these remixes

    "Contrary to what some press is saying, I’m not ‘half-way done’ another record"


    Grimes did an interview with Rolling Stone just the other day; she talked about Tool, rock’s future (if such a thing exists) and the music she’s working on at the moment. “With Art Angels, it was all like [growls]. This would be more chill vibes, downtempos, synth-y shit,” she said. “That makes it sound boring. It’s not boring.”

    Media outlets got excited—if Grimes had new material, there was likely a new album around the corner. There’s not, and that’s okay. Grimes rejected all hypothetical release timelines in a post on her Tumblr: everyone needs time off, and right now, she’s is making sure she gets it.

    “Contrary to what some press is saying, I’m not ‘half-way done’ another record, nor will i be playing new music at upcoming shows,” she wrote. “Of course im always working on new stuff, but i havent taken even a weekend off in years at this point, and i’ll need to chill when this cycle is over so please don’t set expectations too high.”

    In lieu of a new release, she shared two Kill V. Maimmashups fans had made with leaked instrumentals. Of the first, a Marina and the Diamond blend, Grimes wrote “holy fuck this is so good!!” Mariana Tweeted her approval too. The second was a Lady Gaga flip, which Grimes endorsed too—even though she didn’t like that the instrumental had gotten out. “Wow im really mad that the stems have leaked – but also i like this mash up a lot too haha.”  Give them both a spin below.


    Photography Alasdair McLellan
    Styling Max Clark
