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    Now reading: how are scotland’s young people going to vote? we found out, straight up!


    how are scotland’s young people going to vote? we found out, straight up!

    With the number of young people in Britain neither registering, nor voting, at a terrifying high, we went across the country speaking to the teenagers and young adults hoping for change. As photographer Nuala Swan takes to the streets of Glasgow, we…


    Nina Siphesihle Pinkie Mdwaba, 21, student and writer

    Who are you supporting and why? Labour, only because at this point I see them as the lesser of two evils. The Tories essentially go against everything I believe in as a WOC.
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Death Grips, No Love
    What would you most like to change about the world in 2018? As an African, black, queer, woman of colour, the intersections that shape my identity seem to be fought by every angle. But right now, I would like to see safer spaces for POC and WOC, and a greater respect for the arts.
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? Angela Davis, Viola Davis, Nina Simone, Maya Angelou. For someone younger, maybe Adwoa Aboah. 

    Anna Cowan, 18, student and activist

    How do you feel about this election? I feel frustrated and let down, but empowered in a sense. This will be my first time voting and I feel a sense of control that I haven’t before. 
    Who are you supporting and why? I haven’t decided yet, but I know one thing — I’m definitely not voting Conservative!
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Outkast, Hey Ya
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? What comes to mind when I think of who I would want as Prime Minister is Zoe Leonard’s 1992 poem I Want a Dyke for President.

    Barrington James Xavier Reeves, 25, graphic designer

    How do you feel about this election? Apprehensive. 
    Who are you supporting and why? SNP. Ideally, I’d vote Labour and give them my full support, but I don’t think they will gain a foothold in Scotland and it would be a wasted vote.
    What’s the most important political issue for you and your friends? It’s important that large companies and corporations are held to account and made to pay their share of taxes to help fund essential areas like tuition, the NHS and disability benefits. 
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Isaiah Rashad, 4r Da Squaw.
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? At this rate, very much Jeremy Corbyn.

    Lucy Kathryn Seaton, 23, works for Thomas Cook

    How do you feel about this election? I feel confused about all the mixed messages from Theresa May. She hasn’t portrayed herself as someone honest and trustworthy.
    Who are you supporting and why? Labour. They have the most realistic and sensible ideas.
    What’s the most important political issue for you and your friends? Brexit is a big issue.
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Sleaford Mods, Fizzy
    What would you most like to change about the world in 2018? I would love to change peoples perception of menstruation and sex. The issues young girls are facing in schools right now break my heart. 
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? Killer Mike from Run the Jewels.

    Ruadhan Scanlan, 22, student

    How do you feel about this election? Overwhelmed. 
    Who are you supporting and why? The SNP. I’m Scottish and if we want to do anything about the Tories here, we need to vote SNP.
    What’s the most important political issue for you and your friends? Mental health. It’s something that affects everyone and something that is so often overlooked. I’ve seen so many stories recently of people suffering because of the lack of funding in Mental Health Services in Scotland.
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Motorhead, Eat the Rich.
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? Imagine it was Hugh Grant just like in Love Actually. I’d die.

    Molly Jane Sheridan, 25, make-up artist 

    How do you feel about this election? I feel pretty deflated with the never-ending shit show. I haven’t lost hope in the system all together.
    Who are you supporting and why? The SNP. For me it’s a tactical vote. If circumstances were different I’d be Green all the way. Or even Labour if I was down south.
    What’s the most important political issue for you and your friends? For me it’s repeal the 8th. Women across Ireland and in many other countries don’t have the right to abortion. I recently found out Irish women cannot seek help in Scotland for emergency abortion either. 
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election?Gorrilaz, November Has Come.
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? Will Self, cause he knows what’s what.

    Sgàire Teàrlag Wood, 23, artist and performer

    How do you feel about this election? Apprehensive but hopeful. You have to be.
    Who are you supporting and why? I usually vote SNP or Green, but I do admire Jeremy Corbyn. It’s a really important decision so I’m still undecided.
    What’s the most important political issue for you and your friends? It’s easy to feel alienated when the people in charge don’t care about you, but power will go on being abused if we don’t make our voices heard. 
    What song would you chose as the official soundtrack to this election? Sinéad O’Connor, This Is a Rebel Song.
    What would you most like to change about the world in 2018? I hope we remember to practise more empathy, forgiveness and compassion.
    Who would your dream Prime Minister be? Mother Earth.

    Read: Rosie Matheson takes to the streets of Brighton, to find out what young voters want to change down south.


    Photography Nuala Swan
