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    Now reading: i-D’s top inspirational quotes of 2014


    i-D’s top inspirational quotes of 2014

    ​From musings on what it’s like to be young, old, male, or female today to forecasting the future of fashion, challenging conventions of beauty and unpicking the very meaning of love, this year has seen i-D question the old and embrace the new with…


    ”I actually can’t think of anything worse than being famous… Fame really distorts your perception of yourself.”
    Edie Campbell, The Future Fashion Issue

    ”If you put the right things into the universe, the right things will come to you.”
    Jena Malone, The What Is Love? Issue

    ”How would I describe my generation in three words? Mother-fucking awesome!”
    A$AP Rocky, The Girls + Boys Issue

    ”We have the possibility to be modern and avant-garde at the same time.”
    Karl Lagerfeld, The Future Of Fashion Issue

    ”One day you look in the mirror and your body has changed, but that’s okay. Never try to imitate youth, look the best you can at any age.”
    Caroline De Maigret, The Beautiful Issue

    ”I try to take it as it comes. I’m constantly trying to please myself. That’s why I’ve basically realised now, that nothing else in the world matters at all, just please yourself and the people you love and that’s it.”
    Dev Hynes, The Creative Issue

    ”The craziness of humanity, the fear we all have, the feeling of going beyond common sense, the absence of ordinariness, expressed by something extremely big, by something that could be ugly or beautiful. In other words I wanted to question the established standards of beauty.”
    Rei Kawakubo, The Girls + Boys Issue

    ”I believe in fucking good will. I’m religious about the people.”
    Jack O’Connell, The Creative Issue

    ”I wanted an idea of the future, a new femininity. I wanted you to feel that you wouldn’t quite know where these women were coming from and where they were going to.”
    Raf Simons, The Future Fashion Issue

    ”You can be the most beautiful person in the world but, excuse my language, if you’re a b.i.t.c.h, then you’ll always be ugly.”
    Binx, The Future Fashion Issue

    ”After interning and making cups of tea I felt like it was our turn to make a mark and break out. We know better than anyone what the young want.”
    Adwoa Aboah, The New Issue

    ”I’m having the time of my fucking life right now. I don’t want to stop.”
    Angel Haze, The Creative Issue

    ”Even if you’re scared of the public seeing you, even when the world is against you, people who have that confidence and energy in them to keep going, no matter what, that’s beautiful to me.”
    Jillian Mercado, The Beautiful Issue

    ”Love is everything and something personal.”
    Dean and Dan Caten, The What Is Love? Issue
