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    Now reading: imene guemar


    imene guemar

    "The UK has been bombing countries for a decade and a half, at the cost of millions of lives. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results meets Albert Einstein's definition of madness," wrote Stop the War Coalition on their…


    Where are you from?
    Algeria originally. Homing in North London.

    What do you stand for?
    I stand for freedom of each individual to live a life as ‘defined’ by themselves.

    Why are you here today?
    Because I believe bombing Syria will bring nothing but more terrorism.

    What should the UK be doing instead?
    Opening borders for refugees, sending boats to help. In terms of taking on ISIS, I don’t know, but not this!

    Why do you think young voices should be heard?
    Because we have new ideas and we are the future.

    If you could change one thing about the world what would it be and why?
    The individual consciousness of each person. That’s how permanent change happens.

