From her early work with mid-aughts girl-gaze arbiter Rookie Magazine to her portraits of Nicole Kidman, Selena Gomez, and others, Petra Collins has undeniably helped define contemporary aesthetics. Her clothing brand I’m Sorry (sold exclusively on SSENSE) is a demented voyage into the corners of Collins mind—cursed, sexy, and endlessly fascinating. Everything is cosplaying as something else: a ring is a candle, fake nails are earrings, and a Blythe doll stares balefully from the front of a purse. For the latest drop, Collins tapped Tokyo-based fashion brand Jenny Fax—a brand known for its tongue in cheek take on femininity—for a collaboration.
I caught up with Collins the night before the launch to chat about hoarding, knock-offs, and being really sorry.

Tell me about the collection!
I’ve been a fan of Jenny Fax for a really long time. Her clothes have definitely inspired my photographs, and vice versa. When I first started I’m Sorry, she didn’t have her own brand yet, and I was like, I wish she could be the designer, because she really understands me and my aesthetic. She has this amazing, perverse style and a beautiful way of weaving womanhood and girlhood together. She touches on something a lot of designers don’t—there are strong themes of body dysmorphia in her work. There’s some really amazing pieces where she has full stomachs sewn onto dresses. I’m very excited about this collection.
What are your favorite pieces?
So many favorites. The waitress dress, cookie earrings, and the fan girl tank top.
Are you a hoarder?
Absolutely. I have that mentality. I have 100s and 100s of little trinkets—I collect Blythe Dolls, Sylvanians, trains, and clothes. I’ve pretty much held onto all of my clothes my whole life. I just moved, and I’m lucky that I have a dedicated room for my clothes. It’s funny I’m saying that because I live in a city where I don’t have to get dressed everyday—I look like a piece of shit normally. But now that I have a room of clothes, I’ll be able to see them and get dressed.
First thing you bought with your own money?
Probably something practical. Probably my own phone bill at 14. Actually, no—I bought a pair of Dr. Martens on eBay that were the liberty print. They were knockoffs, and one of the shoes was a full size bigger than the other, but I wore them proudly.

Who do you dream of wearing I’m Sorry?
The Sylvanian families. And also Blythe. Blythe is actually wearing the clothes in this collection!
What was the last entry in your Notes app?
I don’t use my Notes app creatively—I’m not organized enough. I just keep things in my head. But I was just in Paris and I really like the Monoprix pajamas, so it’s just: “Monoprix pajamas. Heat pack. Cotton Buds.”
What are you sorry about right now?
I’m really sorry that I didn’t sleep. I’ve been on a bus, club, another club schedule, but the version that’s plane, plane, another plane, a train, a water taxi, another plane, a car, another plane to Korea. I’m also sorry about my nose because it’s so dry.