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    Now reading: Koffee makes it rain in the new video for ‘W’


    Koffee makes it rain in the new video for ‘W’

    Featuring Gunna and a storm of money.


    “We are experiencing a weather phenomenon,” the news anchor in i-D cover star Koffee’s new video intones, minutes after a sermon tells us that “Not every storm was meant to break you.” It seems to be somewhat inspired by recent extreme weather events that have wreaked havoc across the Caribbean — evidently the Jamaican rapper is just as concerned about climate change as the rest of us. Or is she? We see families watching flickering TV’s as the storm rolls in over their heads, anxious for the onslaught. But lo! It’s not rain that falls but dollars, great big armfuls of them. If only! The joy on the faces of the people in the video, and the way Jamaican home life is minutely observed, speaks to Koffee’s love for Jamaica and its people. “I love Jamaica,” the artist told i-D for The Get Up Stand Up Issue. ”It’s a very creative place and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Jamaican artists are always sure to make their impact at home first, to keep the Jamaican scene alive. It’s bubbling. Everyone is putting everything into it. There’s a lot to be proud of.”
