Things cats and Giles have in common: curiosity, independent behaviour, going by first names only. On Monday evening, Mr Deacon embraced his spirit animal on their mutual catwalk with a collection that explored pretty much every corner of the felidae family. Raffaella Karra’s Black Cats played soundtrack to a collection that saw pink paw and stripy tail motifs on sweaters, leopard collage ball gowns, and a black rubber dress that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the human incarnation of the animal herself, Catwoman.
The ginormous pink foam paw that arrived in the mail a few days earlier had kind of given the theme away, but with Giles you never know how he’s going to approach it. If the opening looks were anything to go by, he’d been looking at the shape-shifting flexibility of the cat’s body more than anything. A series of pink striped looks – more barber’s pole than tiger – morphed from a fitted suit into a sharp, sleeveless dress coat, into a knee-length pencil dress, and finally a two-piece skirt suit with a sculpted round shoulder before the more literally feline takeover set in. They say a leopard never changes its spots, and while it’s certainly not the case for Giles Deacon you could say the familiarity of the cat motif rang a comforting bell with his guests. It is a catty industry, after all.
Text Anders Christian Madsen
Photography Piczo