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    Now reading: listen up nerds, you can watch every episode of games of thrones in the cinema for free


    listen up nerds, you can watch every episode of games of thrones in the cinema for free

    See you there, I’ll be the one in the front row who hasn’t moved for days.


    Hey, who among us hasn’t entertained the notion of strapping ourselves in for a marathon of every Game of Thrones episode? Imagine it: not speaking to anyone for hours, perhaps days, at a time, not moving for so long you lose the ability to walk, forgetting all aspects of modern life that aren’t watching Kit Harington get off with someone in a cave. Bliss. Well congratulations, now that can be your life! If you’re based in London at least.

    The Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square is hosting the Game of Thrones marathon to end all Game of Thrones marathons, showing every episode of the iconic show over 71 hours (yes, that’s a three-day event). And if that wasn’t good enough, it’s all absolutely free.

    The sit-in begins on Monday 27 November at 7pm, and ends, seven seasons later, on Thursday 30 November at 6pm. In between staff will dole out free pizza during allotted break times, and give hardcore fans who manage to sit through the entire thing a chance to win free pizza for a year.

    So pack your baby wipes, a spare set of clothes, bring a pillow and blanket and accept that you’re going to be embracing Glasto-level hygiene sacrifices. One slight drawback: the event is (predictably) completely sold out already, but the cinema is promising more tickets will be released on the door. Expect a Battle of the Bastards style stampede to get those. Only the strong will survive. Valar Morghulis and all that.

    Check out the event here.
