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    Now reading: london’s young voters talk about today’s election


    london’s young voters talk about today’s election

    With the number of young people in Britain neither registering, nor voting, at a terrifying high, we went across the country speaking to the teenagers and young adults hoping for change. As the polls open today, we found out what the voters of London…


    Luisa Le Voguer Couyet, 24, Editor of Hate Zine

    “Seeing how involved everyone’s got is wonderful. But I’m sacred of getting my hopes up. There’s a class war assault on the poor by the Tory Party. We need to rebalance wealth and privilege. We need to sort out the NHS. Get rid of Trident. Support our children. Scrap tuition fees. Ban Fracking. We need to tackle climate change and the environment. Only Jeremy Corbyn wants to do this.” @luisanotlouise

    Theodore Chamber, 25, Artist

    “I don’t feel represented by any politicians at the moment, to be honest. We need to fix the education system. We need to more equality. I’m voting Labour, but my dream PM would be Will Smith.” @theodore_uriah

    Ranny Cooper, 23, Artist

    “I support the Green Party. But I’m voting Labour, because I need my vote to have an impact. Corbyn has strong, principled politics. Especially on housing, the NHS, the environment and welfare. If I could change one thing about the world, I’d stop terrorism.” @rannycooper

    Nassia Matsa, 27, Writer

    “I’m voting Labour. But only because we need to get Theresa May out. She’s flirting with UKIP style policies. I’m from Greece, but I’ve been here long enough to vote now. We need to protect the rights of EU citizens. I’m disappointed Labour haven’t had a clearer pro-EU stance.”

    Fa and Fon Watkins, 20, Jewellery Designer and Graphic Designer

    Fa: “I feel kind of depleted, after everything that happened with Brexit and then Trump. It shows how divided we are. It’s still important to vote though. Just because I said I’m depleted, doesn’t mean defeated. If this election had a soundtrack it would be Bonnie Tyler’s I Need A Hero.”
    Fon: “I’m supporting Labour. Because it would benefit everyone, not just a privileged few. We need sort out student fees. End racial tensions. End wars. there’s so much to do.” @fa_fon_

    Benny Mails, 22, Musician/Writer

    “I’m happy that we have another opportunity to hopefully put some real working positivity into power. I’m supporting Labour. I disagree so much with what Conservative Party stands for. Theresa May is devoid of relevancy and sincerity. I believe in Corbyn. I’d like to see violence put to an end. I’d like there be more housing. The growing price of living in all the towns I called home growing up caused for a lesser sense of community. Large up all my friends that link me out the ends.” @bennymails

    Miles Felix, 22, Student

    “I’m supporting Jeremy Corbyn, because it seems like he cares about us. He wants to get rid of tuition fees. Tuition fees are holding back our generation. Wouldn’t it be great though if my Mum was Prime Minister. She’d be my first choice.”


    Photography Hazel Gaskin
