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    Now reading: louise gray and scott ramsay kyle split the difference in new exhibition


    louise gray and scott ramsay kyle split the difference in new exhibition

    The designers team up for an art show examing themes of identity and perception in contemporary society.


    A brand new exhibition exploring themes of identity and perception has opened at the The Archive Gallery in London. Featuring the work of designers Louise Gray and Scott Ramsay Kyle, Split the Difference pits the real against the façade, the presented against the invented and the authentic against the unauthorised in an investigative show which provides a basis for self-examination and reflection – one that feels particularly pertinent in an increasingly digital world.

    “The aim of Split the Difference is showing new work in a mutual gallery space together, bringing different influences, ideas, materials and technique,” say the pair. “It feels like the digital world is false, where one can reinvent or even invent a way of life, lifestyle, projection of themselves. We think it’s important to look at these ideas.”

    Drawing influence from both the work of Caribbean-American poet June Jordan as well as novelist and philosopher Aldous Huxley, the work on show not only provides a space for investigating particular experiences within society, but lots of self examination for the artists themselves.

    “Putting on this show together you see how vulnerable you have to make yourself to get the work done,” says Gray. “I find that beautiful though.”


    Text Matthew Whitehouse
