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    Now reading: the international stüssy tribe in london


    the international stüssy tribe in london

    Don Letts and Goldie manned the BBQ at Mark Lebon’s house.


    Stüssy has always been more than a brand, and never as reductively boring as a lifestyle, either. Stüssy is about community and as intangibly precarious and beautiful as all that word entails. It was the first of its kind, it created that template, everyone just followed. Launched in 1980 by surfer Shawn Stussy, it’s assembled collective of fellow travellers are as much family as they are collaborators, fans as much as consumers. The International Stüssy Tribe, as they’re known, stretch from California to Tokyo and everywhere in between, and recently came together in London to celebrate the opening of Stüssy’s London Chapter store. This weekend they all got together — Michael Kopelman, Alex Turnbull, Fraser Avey, David Sinatra, Don Letts, Skinny, Jordan Vickors and Goldie — at Mark Lebon’s house for a BBQ. Here’s the photographic evidence…
