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    Now reading: meet paolo gallardo, the star of the xx’s brilliant new video


    meet paolo gallardo, the star of the xx’s brilliant new video

    The model — who is currently working on a short story, as well as trying his hand at acting — talks to i-D about nudity, shooting with Alasdair McLellan, and making people smile.


    Meet Paolo Gallardo, a model by trade, a wanderer by nature, and the seriously hot star of The xx’s mind-blowing new music video for “Hold On.” Like a cat with nine lives, Paolo has quite the colorful story to tell. Born in Venice Beach, it wasn’t long before his family whisked him away to Jamaica (his father was on a TV show, and his mother was a scuba dive instructor out there). At five years old he was living in London, by 13 he’d moved to LA. He dropped out of school at 17, and started modeling two years later. After returning to London aged 20, he stayed in the UK for four years before moving back to LA last year.

    Modeling is the family business. His mother was a model in New York way back when, and his father was one of Ray Petri’s original Buffalo Boys. And Paolo is, of course, impossibly good looking. He’s also a pretty sweet guy. He dreams of a world where all people do is make each other smile, and his new year’s resolution is to spend more time with his family. Currently writing a short story, as well as trying his hand at acting, he’s a kid you need to know about.

    Tell me a bit about yourself and where you grew up?
    I’m definitely a bit of a wanderer and have been for quite some time. I’m an avid surfer and outdoors guy (I learned how to surf at age 10), and just a general goofball.

    What does modeling mean to you?
    Modeling for me is a means to experience things that others may never experience. I get to meet some incredible people and visit some incredible places. It’s been my vehicle for exploration around the globe and I’ve been super blessed.

    Did you always want to be a model?
    No. I actually really disliked it and thought it was super lame, so I swayed from it for years. It’s only once I got involved that I started to enjoy it.

    If you weren’t a model, what would you want to be?
    When I dropped out of school and went to college I was studying to be a photojournalist, documenting wars. If I hadn’t gotten caught up in modeling, I’d still probably be on that same path.

    What’s been your career highlight so far?
    I did a shoot a couple of years ago where I was styled by Judy Blame. He also styled my father for the cover of The Face in 1984. It’s fair to say it’s quite a bizarre moment for him to have styled two generations of models. One of those cool life moments for sure.

    Can you walk us through the experience of making a video with The xx? What did it entail? Were you nervous?
    I never really had any nerves about this one actually. I’ve shot with Alasdair McLellan before so it felt just like another day on the job. The xx were super cool and friendly, the crew was great too. We had super early starts but generally finished not too late, and had the local kids involved in the shoot too. If you watch the party scene, all the people in it are mainly locals and they got super hyped (the whole house was shaking, thanks to the hype man).

    What did you want to convey about your character?
    That he was a sweet guy who was hiding this little piece of darkness about him, just beneath the surface.

    Your character is naked quite a lot. How do you feel about nudity?
    I’m pretty liberal about it. Hence why I’ve been shot nude a couple of times!

    You’re currently pursuing a career in acting. What is it about adopting other roles that appeals to you?
    I guess I sort of stumbled into this whole “acting” thing. I’m an avid movie watcher and love when I forget that there’s an actor playing a part.

    What are your New Year’s resolutions?
    To see more of my family. We’re all over the bloody globe.

    What do you stand for?
    I stand for people doing what makes them happy.

    If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?
    The dependency on mobile phones. As great as they are they make us quite disconnected from each other, there’s a lack of human interaction. (I’m no saint, though… I’m on the fucking thing all the time as well!)

    What are you working on at the moment?
    I was recently asked to write a short story for a small publishing firm in the UK. It was all down to a chance conversation at work. Someone liked the content of what I was talking about and then asked me to write a short story about my experience!


    Text Tish Weinstock
    Paolo is with FORD Models
