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    Now reading: miranda july and carrie brownstein are coming to australia


    miranda july and carrie brownstein are coming to australia

    Cue the excited crying.


    One-day festival All About Women has a pretty solid track record of bringing together amazing females to discuss important issues.

    Previous guests have included Roxane GayAnita Sarkeesian, and Rosie Batty, so we were expecting they’d have something pretty cool planned for 2016. This week they announced that everyone’s fantasy best friends Miranda July and Carrie Brownstein will headlining the festival.

    Filmmaker, author, and Rihanna fan Miranda will present a talk about her career so far. It will involve interactive video and performance elements. Considering this is the woman who invented the mind meltingly lovely and creative Somebody app, we’re expecting big things.

    On the other side of your dream journal is musician, Riot Grrrl, and Portlandia star Carrie. She’ll be bringing double the heart palpitations as her band Sleater Kinney will be touring the country at the time. Following the release of her lauded autobiography Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl, she’ll be chatting about the memoir before she and the rest of the band perform at the Opera House that night.

    The festival will be more than a teen dream though, with several local academics leading discussions around pressing national issues such as Australia’s domestic violence epidemic. There will also be a session hosted co-hosted by Australian and Canadian Indigenous women centering around climate change and industrialisation.

    Check out the full line up here and start your excited crying in your own time.


    Text Wendy Syfret
