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    Now reading: model ruth bell talks shaving her locks and giving her cat a go pro


    model ruth bell talks shaving her locks and giving her cat a go pro

    She may be an identical twin, but Ruth Bell is one of a kind.


    In the modeling world, a haircut can be make or break (just ask Linda Evangelista, Karlie Kloss or Edie Campbell pre-chop), and although May and Ruth Bell may have been the go-to identical twins for the fashion industry last year, it was when Ruth — always the more tomboyish of the two — got a buzz cut that her career really took off. She was told two days before shooting an McQueen campaign with David Sims this summer that the brand’s team would like to shave off her goldilocks. True to their word, half an hour after Ruth’s arrival, Paul Hanlon had took a razor to it. Her blonde tresses were donated to the Princess Trust Charity, which makes wigs for children undergoing chemotherapy. Since then, the 19-year-old Kent girl has booked a spot in the Saint Laurent Cruise 2016 campaign, and a place on Versace, Gucci and Lanvin’s runways. But does she miss doing the twin thing? Here are 10 things you need to know about one half of the Bell twins…

    1. Her childhood ambitions had to be put on hold for her modeling career…
    “I wanted to be a pilot in the Royal Air Force. A search and rescue helicopter pilot to be exact! I was on the path to that career up until I was about 16. But circumstances changed and that was no longer an option for me. In a way, I’m kind of glad that’s not what I became because otherwise I would not have the amazing opportunities I have now!”

    2. Modeling really is a FULL-time job.
    “Modeling consumes a huge part of my life I don’t really have much time for anything else. I always joke that my only hobbies are sleeping and eating because they are all I do when I’m not working!”

    3. (Other than their hair) this is how you can tell May and Ruth apart:
    “Our personalities are extremely different! But if you are just going by looks, May has a small birth mark on her neck and I don’t. I also have a more rounded face than May does.”

    4. She is going to miss doing that twin thing…
    “It’s nice to feel more of a individual but I’m going to miss messing with people when they can’t tell us apart!”

    5. Her first reaction to getting the McQueen campaign was:
    “I thought my booker was telling the wrong model! I was also somewhat nervous to work with such a huge photographer as David Sims, I really wanted to impress everyone.”

    6. She really, really would like to know…
    “What actually happens in the Bermuda triangle?”

    7. If she could make a documentary about anything, she would…
    “…strap a camera to my cat and document his excursions around my neighborhood. That cat gets up to some crazy stuff!”

    8. If she was director, a movie of her life would look something like this:
    “I would cast Charlize Theron to play me, because thanks to the new Mad Max, film we all know she looks good bald and is willing to shave her hair for a role. I would cast Angelina Jolie to be my romantic other because anyone who says they don’t find her absolutely stunning is lying.

    9. She’s got some swell advice to pass on from her mama:
    “She once said to me that I can only be successful in my career if I have gained that success by being my true self. Otherwise, you are lying to everyone but more importantly, yourself.”

    10. She’s got no idea what her future holds.
    “And I don’t mind not having a plan. I didn’t plan to model but I fell into it and its turned out incredible so far. I think I will not worry about the future.”



    Text Felicity Kinsella
    Backstage photography Jason Lloyd Evans
    Catwalk photography Mitchell Sams
