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    Now reading: ​nas rails against racial inequality and violence in america


    ​nas rails against racial inequality and violence in america

    “This is bigger than black and white,” he said in a long post on Instagram following the Charleston shootings.


    Yesterday Nas posted a heartfelt polemic on racial inequality on Instagram, urging fans to take a firm stand on the on-going tirade of racial terrorism blighting America. In the wake of the Charleston shooting last week, Kanye paused for thought during his performance at Sunday night’s Hot 107.9 Birthday Bash and Lupe Fiasco made an equally passionate plea in his open letter to white supremacists, where he asserted “All things human aren’t born from a supreme overlord solely working in isolation.” Nas shortly followed suit; just a week before the nation celebrates Independence Day, he posted a “bleeding” image of the Stars and Stripes, calling out America as a nation for “Moving Backwards” with the impassioned and impactful words “This is BIGGER than BLACK and WHITE. This is about America selling a false dream.”

    It isn’t the first time that the rapper has taken a stance on racial discrimination in America. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, Nas took a seat at Anderson Cooper’s CNN roundtable and candidly asserted “If I don’t know something about you, Anderson, I’m going to judge you based on a bad experience I had with another white person. If you don’t know me, and you walk down the street and you see me, my pants are hanging, you’re going to assume the worst. At this point, Americans are looking like barbarians.” Once again the rapper has brought the more topical than ever danger of judgement and perception back to the forefront.

    Read the full post on Nas’s Instagram.


    Photography Nik Hartley
