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    Now reading: pat mahoney talks about his new band museum of love and life after lcd soundsystem


    pat mahoney talks about his new band museum of love and life after lcd soundsystem

    After a decade of playing drums for LCD Soundsystem, Pat Mahoney is moving on with new band Museum Of Love.


    When the curtains closed at beloved dance-punk outfit LCD Soundsystem’s final show at Madison Square Garden in April 2011, many wondered what would come next for all involved with the vastly influential group. It’s been three years, and drummer Pat Mahoney is back with Museum of Love, his first project since LCD’s disbandment. A collaboration with Dennis McNanny (better known as Jee Day), Museum of Love’s self titled debut album treads beautifully towards the pristine productions 80s new wave acts,as if the Talking Heads were bobbing along to New Order’s “Blue Monday.” We caught up with Pat while he was cruising down to Washington, DC, where Museum of Love will kick off their very first tour  at U Street Music Hall before playing New York’s Mercury Lounge tonight.

    How did you and Dennis meet?
    We met maybe 15-years-ago at a studio that became the home studio for DFA Records right before DFA Records started up. I was friends with [DFA co-founder and LCD Soundsystem frontman] James Murphy, so I would visit him there, check out what he was doing, and we’d make a little bit of music together — the beginning of the germ of the idea of LCD Soundsystem. A couple years ago, Dennis had some stuff he wanted me to play some drums on, so I did and thought that it was just a one-off, but he came back to me and was like, “Let’s try and make something.” The first couple of songs took around a year to make because we were just doing it in our spare time, but then we really liked what we made, so we decided to make a record together.

    When LCD Soundsystem disbanded, did you have any inclination of what you wanted to pursue next?
    I’d say those interests emerged pretty organically. I was put out to pasture a little early perhaps, early retirement, so I didn’t know what to do. I’d always wanted to make a record: I’d seen them made and helped other people make records but I didn’t know I could do it myself. So that started to become a possibility and it was really exciting. Dennis and I work really well together; it’s been a real pleasure to get to know each other musically and become better friends.

    It’s so nice to hear you sing on this record! After drumming for LCD Soundsystem, did you know right away that you wanted to sing in your next project?
    It was just something I wanted to do, I like to sing. I was shit out of practice for writing lyrics, so I had to figure out a way to write that wasn’t totally embarrassing! But I didn’t want to play drums. I had done a couple things, sessions for friends, and it wasn’t where I saw myself in 10 years—just doing the odd session and going out on tour with other people’s bands. I really wanted to make my own thing.

    You guys also have a mail-in fan club? Have you received any interesting letters?

    We have received exactly three pieces of fan mail and I keep them in my breast pocket, like a talisman. Hopefully they’ll have company soon. People are like, ‘Really? I’m supposed to write a letter?’ but hopefully they do! I invite all viewers of this online interview to send us a postcard. We’ll send you something back for free, eventually.

    Were you in any fan clubs as a kid?
    I was in the Misfits Fiend Club, but I joined when it was kind of falling apart. I think I got a free T-shirt out of it, though!

    Your tour kicks off tonight at Washington DC’s U Street Music Hall. Is this the first time you’ve played this material live?
    We’ve actually done a few shows. Our first show ever was at Moogfest this year and we had a great time. We played with Factory Floor and Gavin Russom’s band Crystal Ark, that was a lot of fun. Then we did one show in New York that was at a DFA party event with our current lineup. Dennis and I actually played a wedding for a really good friend of ours as well. That was just us and machines in tuxedos, it was a blast.

    Are you playing anywhere you’ve never played before?

    I’ve never played U Hall! I’ve played Black Cat and the 9:30 Club in DC, but never U Hall, so I’m excited. We’re playing a bunch of places that I like and I’ve seen shows at but have never played at. LCD didn’t do much small club touring except in the very early days and a lot of those places are gone. But we love performing and are really happy to be on tour. We’re very excited to get out there and meet our new friends.

    What’s the future looking like?
    One thing I’ve learned over the years to not put all your eggs in one basket; I’ve already changed careers like five times. That said, we’re in this for the long haul. We want to make more records, that’s what we love doing the most so we want to get back into the studio as soon as possible. In ten years, I’d love to see myself on a farm, painting, having a bunch of dogs, and watching my kids grow up.



    Text Emily Manning
    Photography Adrian Mesko
