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    Now reading: ​pc music’s dux content release snow globe


    ​pc music’s dux content release snow globe

    A shimmering new single from the future of music / dawn of the apocalypse label PC Music.


    PC Music label founder A.G Cook has released a new track, Snow Globe, with long-time collaborator Danny L. Harle under the moniker Dux Content. Describing themselves on Facebook as “audience entertainment specialists” the duo say they have, “a profound interest in the pioneers of popular and contemporary classical music but are often distracted by such things as 3D animation, fifth generation video-game consoles, HTML, software templates, stock images, video editing, human relations and arpeggiators.”

    Snow Globe is a shimmery slice of electronic pop, complete with a hyper-girly, staccato vocal, sing-speaking lyrics like, “we’ve gone too far, we can’t go home; like a snow globe with no snow” and “take me away, all the way, to the edge of the sky”. Euphoric build-ups collapse into thin shimmers, relentless layers of bouncing pop beats and shrill, stabbing synths.

    The dark, Disney-esque artwork completes the something’s-not-quite-right twist. The titular snow globe has been smashed through by a crown-topped sceptre; there are fantasy-land twigs and snow-topped cottages in the background, but in the foreground, the snow globe sits on a trashy magazine next to a tacky fake-pearl necklace and the scene is decorated with neon stars. What else did you expect from PC Music?

