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    Now reading: peta are buying $4000 worth of stock in canada goose


    peta are buying $4000 worth of stock in canada goose

    The animal rights crusaders are bringing their activism into the boardroom.


    When Canada Goose goes public for the first time this week, PETA, the People for the ethical Treatment of Animals, will be among its first shareholders. In a seemingly ironic turn of events, the move ensures the animal rights group will have a chance to bring its activism straight to the retailer’s boardroom.

    The group are seeking to purchase roughly $4000 worth of stock in the company, the minimum amount required to be able to attend and speak at annual meetings. Most importantly, it will also enable PETA to put forward shareholder resolutions, campaigning for an end to the use of coyote fur and down in the company’s jackets.

    In a statement, the senior international media director of PETA, Ben Williamson, said: “From street demonstrations at their stores to speaking out in their boardroom, PETA will continue to push Canada Goose until they agree to stop selling fur and down. PETA will continue to take an active role as a shareholder until Canada Goose makes the kind and business-savvy decision to permanently ban fur, feathers and other skins, which belonged to animals who were abused and violently killed.”

    The move is part of PETA’s on-going campaign against Canada Goose, and judging by Williamson’s comments, it’s a mission that isn’t ending anytime soon. The move follows the release of a graphic video showing a coyote being shot and killed for one of the company’s fur-trimmed jackets. Earlier this year the group also teamed up with actor Justin Long, following him into one of the retailer’s stores where he asked employees where the fur used in Canada Goose jackets came from. Long was told by one employee “I’m not going to have this conversation right now,” before being escorted off the premises.

    Previously PETA has taken stake in luxury fashion brands with the intention of putting pressure on companies to stop the sale of furs and exotic skins. The group currently have stakes in Hermes, Prada and luxury conglomerate LVMH.


    Text Georgie Bretherton
     Screengrab via Twitter
