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    Now reading: seth troxler buys dave haslam’s haçienda record collection


    seth troxler buys dave haslam’s haçienda record collection

    The 4,500 vinyl records are in safe hands with Seth.


    When DJ Seth Troxler got wind that Manchester’s Haçienda legend Dave Haslam was selling 4,500 vinyl records, he decided he had to buy the lot. “As a 30 year old there is only so much you can read about or hear through friends to imagine what it was like during the heyday of acid house and the Haçienda,” Troxler explained. “I think my great joy will be finding new music, hearing things i never knew existed from people forgotten through time. I think it’s very important not only to preserve the music but to preserve this collection intact for future generations to enjoy. One factor behind my acquirement of this amazing collection was the transfer of one working DJ to another; and the fact that I will be presenting to people around the world as they were intended to be heard”.

    Haslam, a resident DJ at the Haçienda from 1986 to 1990, sounded equally thrilled when he said, “They’ll give pleasure to Seth’s audiences, just as they gave pleasure to me and the audiences I played them too. I’ll miss them but they’ve gone to a great home.” The collection includes funk, soul, electro, Factory Records material, industrialmusic and, of course, acid house.

    He praised the new gen DJ, saying “Seth’s commitment to music and to vinyl is fabulous. There’s stuff in there he’ll know and love but stuff he’ll discover too, and through him, and thanks to him taking them on and playing them out, new audiences will discover them too, and enjoy them. Haslam will hand over the immense collection in December, so look out for forthcoming Troxler sets and listen out for some Haç classics.
