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    Now reading: shia labeouf is hitchhiking with fans in his latest interactive art project


    shia labeouf is hitchhiking with fans in his latest interactive art project

    If you're in America and you've got a car, you can pick Shia up right now. This is part performance art, part travel scam.


    If you’re living in the United States, you are now officially invited to go hitchhiking with actor turned performance artist, Shia Labeouf. For his latest social experiment, Shia has teamed up with two other creatives and plotted coordinates on Twitter in the hopes of being driven wherever you feel like taking them.

    The project, which commenced this week, is entitled #TAKEMEANYWHERE. You can track the trio’s journey over the next month exclusively with VICE on their interactive website. Shia and his collaborators, Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner, Tweeted their first location near Boulder, Colorado. They’ve since hitchhiked to neighbouring state, Wyoming.

    TAKEMEANYWHERE is the latest social experiment in Shia’s growing catalogue of controversial performance art. Last year, the actor sat in a Manhattan movie theatre for three consecutive days to watch every single one of his films in a piece aptly named #ALLMYMOVIES. In an interview with VICE, he said this latest project was about “making friends,” to prove “hitchhiking is really the ultimate collab.” The whole thing will eventually form a documentary to be released at the Finnish Institute in London and The Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art.


    Text Hannah Butterworth
    Image via VICE
