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    Now reading: shou nakano


    shou nakano

    In the Southern Hemisphere, no one dreams of a White Christmas. So we headed out to see what people were wishing for instead.


    What are you wearing?
    Kmart tee, Levis and Docs.

    Do you celebrate Christmas?
    Yes, I’ll probably just go out a little bit more than usual, drink a bit more.

    What was the best present you ever received?
    My mum got me a drawing desk, which was sick.

    What about the best one you’ve given?
    I got my mum some Aesop masks, which is probably the most I’ve ever spent.

    Tips for surviving the season?
    Drink more to get through it.



    Photography Lekk Porter p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}
