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    Now reading: ‘skin’ combines fine metals, a girl and snakes


    ‘skin’ combines fine metals, a girl and snakes

    Jewellery label Underground Sundae show their newest collection in a film by Indoor Fountains.


    To coincide with the release of Underground Sundae‘s ‘SKIN’ collection, the designers have created a very sensual, slithery short film. The jewellery range features a good mix of pop culture references and symbols including crucifixes, hearts and, of course, snakes. Directed by jewellery designer Mima Bulj and produced by Amy Dellar of Indoor Fountains, this takes repping your wares to a whole new level.


    Directed by [Mima Bulj](http://Mima Bulj )
    Cinematography by Amy Dellar
    Produced by Underground Sundae
    Music by Baba Dushanka
