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    Now reading: the live action dumbo remake already looks like a tim burton classic


    the live action dumbo remake already looks like a tim burton classic

    Watch the first trailer here.


    Children’s films are one of the best genres. They’re heart-wrenching, colourful and often star really cute animals. They have morals like: “Monsters have hearts too!” (Monsters, Inc.), “Rats have hearts too!” (Ratatouille), and “Inanimate objects have hearts too!” (Toy Story 1, 2 and 3). Basically, all that is good in the world is borne from children’s films.

    Disney’s 1941 animation Dumbo is no different. An elephant gets called Dumbo (root word: dumb) by his fellow young elephants, because he has really big ears. Thing is, those elephants haven’t yet cottoned on to the idea that your weaknesses can be strengths — i.e. Dumbo’s massive ears mean he can fly. We won’t give away the rest of the plot, because Tim Burton’s just made a live action film of it. And the first trailer’s just been released.

    It’s a brief glimpse into the world of a traveling circus and an elephant so endearing your heart aches. Colin Farrell plays a war veteran and former circus star charged with caring for Dumbo, while Danny Devito (!) plays circus owner Medici and Eva Green plays an aerial artist. A haunting cover of Baby Mine by Norwegian pop princess AURORA glides over the clip, injecting it with Tim Burton’s hallmark eeriness. Also, classic Burton: the story itself. From Edward Scissorhands to Corpse Bride to The World of Stainboy — about a superhero whose only power is that he leaves a stain wherever he goes — Burton has forever sided with the outcast. Get excited for the film’s release in 2019, and get appreciative of big ears, below.
