Twelve years ago Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen successfully broke the curse of their child-actor past by establishing their effortlessly luxurious label The Row. Known for its clean tailoring and a minimal yet constructed take on womenswear, the label has announced it’ll be branching into menswear this October. This isn’t the Olsen’s first foray into menswear, they’ve teased capsule lines in the past, however the upcoming launch—including a full range of suits, knitwear, coats, jeans, T-shirts, shoes and accessories—will be a permanent addition to the range.
As you’d expect, the pair have done their due diligence in the lead up to the launch. According to their press release, they’ve selected the best factories and craftsmen from around the world for each piece, with Mary-Kate adding, “It’s important for us to do the research. We want to be able to offer the menswear market those same core foundation pieces at a luxury level.”
In the current market ruled by logomania, embellishments and hype, it will be interesting to watch how a minimal and quiet, quality driven range enters the scene.