Don’t tell Donald Trump, but the world is in danger. Global warming is a thing and it’s coming for us. Which is why, for the latest issue of Hate, Scarlett Carlos Clarke and Luisa Le Voguer Couyet have turned their attention to the environment. People say they care about the planet; they sign their online petitions and hashtag themselves at the odd march or two, but how does this translate in real life? How does it help end deforestation? The answer is: it doesn’t.
Tired of our “clicktavist” culture, Luisa and Scarlett have pooled together a diverse range of voices to come up with a couple of solutions for what we should do next. “We need to start looking at the damage we are actually doing and move towards a more conscious existence,” Luisa explains. From photostories to opinion pieces, the issue juxtaposes the beauty of nature with the reality of human destruction. “In past issues we’ve explored sexuality, gender, and mental health. In issue 4, we wanted to do Hate meets National Geographic,” Scarlett adds.
It sounds like a great issue, doesn’t it? But here’s the thing: in order for Hate to remain an authentic, no holds barred, independent publication — free from the constraints of advertising — they need funding. Which is why they’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign for everyone to contribute to. Just think, you can help save the world today with one click of a button. Here’s a sneak preview of the zine to get you in the mood.
Scarlett Carlos Clarke
Text Tish Weinstock
Images courtesy Hate Zine