Film: Sexsex
Filmmaker Candice Lo explores the different faces of intimacy in a film inspired by human sexual response this week. Using balloons to act out the art of lovemaking — from turned on to exhausted — it follows on from the director’s previous effort Irregular Supermarket, a short film inspired by cross-cultural relationships, which premiered exclusively on i-D last autumn. Could just be the helium talking, but the whole thing’s made us feel a bit lightheaded.
Exhibition: Leeds Postcards
Up in Leeds, an exhibition charting the history of independent postcard press Leeds Postcards takes place at the ever brilliant Village. Covering a range of domestic and international politics, causes and campaigns, the cards have been been celebrated in a new book, containing over 100 designs from a range of artists including Steve Bell, Jacky Fleming, Peter Kennard, Ray Lowry and Angela Martin. A “pocket-sized call to arms, punching way above its weight,” as Village put it.
Until 2 September, Village, Leeds.
Photography: Hundred Heroines
An international campaign is asking the public to nominate their ‘heroine’ of contemporary photography now. Launched by the Royal Photographic Society, the aim is to not only promote the abundance of female talent, but to “increase awareness of the impact women have on this most universal and accessible of visual media”. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our Female Gaze Issue from 2016 — celebrating the power of the female lens, working with female photographers only from front to back.
Nominations are open now until 28 September with the final hundred heroines announced on 14 December. More information available here.
Tiny sunglasses shop: Gentle Monster
In tiny sunglasses news, Korean eyewear merchants Gentle Monster are launching their first European flagship. Following in the footsteps of concept stores in the US and Asia, Gentle Monster’s London HQ features a design based on martial arts practice intertwined with extra-terrestrial creatures. Sounds absolutely bonkers if you ask us but a damn sight more interesting than your local Nisa.
Launches 27 July.
Performance: Victoria Sin
The COS x Serpentine Park Nights 2018 programme kicked off a couple of weeks back and this Friday welcomes artist Victoria Sin for a night of experimental and interdisciplinary encounters. According to the website it’ll be “a ballad of embodiment, longing and transformation, using poetry, drag, science fiction and an original soundtrack by Shy One”. Something for all the family, if ever we’ve seen it.
27 July, Serpentine Pavilion, London.
Party: Hate Zine
And finally, trendy independent publication Hate Zine is throwing a party this Saturday night to celebrate the release of their 5th issue — examining the nuances of human attachment and the liberation that comes with loving honestly. Tickets are £6 online and £8 on the door with two thirds of sales split between Help Refugees and Justice4Grenfell (a third goes back into printing the next issue). You can’t say fairer than that really, can you.
28 July, Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, London.
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