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    Now reading: this spotify advert has been banned for being too scary


    this spotify advert has been banned for being too scary

    Warning: Extreme spo0kiness.


    A new Spotify advert has been banned from broadcast for being “too scary”. Honestly, if The Haunting of Hill House hasn’t filled your horror quota for the year then this might.

    Filmed in the style of a horror movie trailer, the creepy ad centres around a couple who, we kid you not, become obsessed with Camila Cabello’s summertime banger Havana, which in turn causes a terrifying antique doll inside their home to come to life. The creepy bald puppet then comes to kill them every time the song is played.

    Ending with the tagline “killer songs you can’t resist”, the ad is still available on YouTube, but was taken down from Spotify’s official account after the Advertising Standards Authority found that it caused distress to a child who watched it after it was shown on the channel.

    “We acknowledge the ruling from the ASA and regret any distress the ad may have caused,” Spotify said in a statement. If you think you can stomach the same distress and want to ruin your day by watching an ad about a psychopathic killer dol,l then watch the ad below. Good luck.
