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    Now reading: tom emmerson’s year in photos


    tom emmerson’s year in photos

    The most exciting photographers of 2016 share glimpses of their year in images.


    From my trip to Paris in January.

    Behind the scenes at the Gosha fall/winter 16 show. This model had an incredibly original look.

    A candid photo of my friend smoking outside Somerset House. It became one of my favorite photos — I love his ring.

    Luke (pictured) and I did a test shoot a few hours before he flew back to New York. It was the first shoot I enjoyed of the year as the weather and lighting was great — a change from the previous winter weather.

    From a test shoot with Felix. We found this rustic doorstep in a mews. I’ve always really liked the red throughout the picture.

    I took this photo of my friend Max the first time we met.

    I was with my friend Dom (pictured) and as we were chatting the clouds cleared, giving a golden winter light that only lasted five minutes. I quickly shot this photo. It was a fun evening.

    From my trip to Nice in summer.

    I spent the best part of my summer skating all day with Daniel (pictured).

    When I went back to Paris in summer with Daniel, we met a group of skaters from Wolverhampton with whom we spent the rest of the holiday. Brute (one of the skaters) is pictured doing a boneless over a fountain.

    From a London-themed test shoot I did with a boy called Alex towards the end of summer.

    Outtake from an editorial I shot. The photo shows my friends walking through Dalston, where I spent a lot of my summer skating.


    Text and images Tom Emmerson
