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    Now reading: Watch the trailer for a new terrifying Mother’s Day-themed horror film


    Watch the trailer for a new terrifying Mother’s Day-themed horror film

    ‘Delivered’ is the latest installment to Hulu’s horror anthology series, ‘Into the Dark’.


    Depending on your situation, when asked to think of a horrific Mother’s Day scenario, your mind will no doubt immediately jump to either: the prospect of spending weeks on end in quarantine with your mother, or, the prospect of spending weeks on end in quarantine without being able to see your mother. And we feel you on both sides of that situation. But look, things could be worse, if the trailer for mama-themed horror movie Delivered is anything to go by.

    The film centres on an expectant mother (duh) who gets abducted by a deranged woman who wants to cut her baby out and steal it. Ugh, hate it when that happens. The protagonist, played by Natalie Paul — who you might recognise from 2017’s Crown Heights with Lakeith Stanfield — goes to a retreat in the middle of nowhere and next thing you know she’s imprisoned in a farmhouse, chained to a bed and her boyfriend’s missing.

    If that sounds like your thing — no judgement — then you can check out Delivered when it lands on Hulu on 8 May. And even better news, there’s more horror where that came from. The movie is the latest installment of Hulu’s horror anthology series, Into the Dark. Each new release from the series centres on a specific holiday or life event (Mother’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving and even St Patrick’s Day have been given a scary twist).

    Crazy how they’re yet to do a horror version of “the beautiful spring we all had to spend indoors because of a killer virus”, but until then you can check out the trailer for Delivered below.
