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    Now reading: Uber could be launching a weed delivery service


    Uber could be launching a weed delivery service

    Ah, I love the future!


    First it was taxis, then it was takeaways, and now Uber is stepping in to be your plug as well, with a weed delivery service. But first, a few caveats to spoil your excitement. Uber could explore the possibility of delivering weed right to your door, but that possibility is of course subject to local drug laws. What that means is that it’ll probably be available in America — and even then only in states where federal laws have legalised cannabis — as well as Canada, and other countries blessed with both Uber and lax weed laws, before it begins to hit the UK. 

    “When the road is clear for cannabis, when federal laws come into play, we’re absolutely going to take a look at it,” said Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi. Speaking to CNBC yesterday, Khosrowshahi was cautious but optimistic about the road ahead for tracking your weed as it comes right to your front door. 

    “We see so much opportunity out there,” the company’s CEO added, “and we’re going to focus on the opportunity at hand.” 

    It might seem like a big leap forward, but it’s not quite the realm of science fiction. So far, 17 states, most recently New York, have legalised recreational marijuana. In New York state, the law signed into effect by Governor Cuomo on 31 March allows for the delivery of marijuana products, with cannabis delivery services already existing in several other US states, including California and Oregon. In fact, the country’s first weed drive-thru (in Colorado, obviously) is already nearly four years old. So, as is custom with late capitalism, where there’s demand, there’s inevitably an app for that!

    Companies like Uber and Deliveroo (along with its US equivalent Postmates) have flourished during lockdown, for obvious reasons. With all of us stuck at home, boozing in the living room and ordering more takeaway food than we’d like to admit has become the norm. But with vaccine rollouts in the US and UK, and summer just around the corner, it makes sense that the company is looking ahead to diversify and provide services for a customer that isn’t depressed and constantly stuck indoors.

    Ergo, weed delivery makes sense. But that doesn’t stop it feeling vaguely science-fiction-y. Imagine it! Not having to WhatsApp a flaky plug who just arrives when they feel like it! Weed, right on your doorstep, on demand! The future is now tbh. Five star review. 

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