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    Now reading: use your voice: the future of the country is in our hands!


    use your voice: the future of the country is in our hands!

    An urgent summit addressing the state of political engagement takes place in London tonight. Remember, you’ve got to be in it to win it.


    In the mood for an evening of scintillating debate and discussion, exploring the crucial issues young people face regarding political engagement in the UK? Well, look no further than tonight’s Use Your Voice summit. A non-partisan meet-up for people of different political viewpoints to come together and solve a common problem — chiefly the fact that many young people have limited understanding of politics — it’s pulled together journalist and filmmaker Billie JD Porter and ThinkNation, and sees influencers from the worlds of film, music and fashion hammer home the importance of the election (spoiler alert: it’s very important).

    The event opens with a screening of USE YOUR VOICE — a short film that explores political disenfranchisement within the younger generation — and will be followed by a series of interviews and discussions with a whole host of clever people such as Jim Waterson (Political Editor Buzzfeed UK), Simon Childs (Current Affairs, Vice UK) and Abi Wilkinson (Guardian). Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, there’s a whole load of of GIFs, photographs, animations and graphics by designers including Simone Rocha, Matthew Stone, Liam Hodges, with an aim to encourage young people to register before the 22 May deadline (have a look below).

    “I think lots of young people feel connected to the world and other people around them because of the internet and social media, but not necessarily to their immediate surroundings,” says Billie JD Porter. “I don’t want the opportunity to have a say in how this country is run to pass people by, which is why I’ve been doing a real push around the election. I really believe that regardless of whether you don’t want to vote yourself, or don’t believe in the system as it is, that it’s all of our joint responsibility to make sure that people are at least aware of what’s at stake here.”

    The Use Your Voice summit takes place at Newspeak House in Bethnal Green, London. Book your place here.


    Text Matthew Whitehouse
