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    Now reading: ​vivienne westwood drove a tank to david cameron’s house


    ​vivienne westwood drove a tank to david cameron’s house

    What the frack? The environmentalist hit Cameron’s crib in an anti-fracking protest.


    Dame Vivienne Westwood’s anti fracking tank rides to David Cameron’s house in #Witney. #HeartNews pic.twitter.com/oRRn50ibBg — Thames Valley News (@HeartThamesNews) September 11, 2015

    All hail Queen Viv, world-saving superhero and legendary designer. Reacting against the government for pushing 27 fracking licences in northern England and the Midlands, today Vivienne Westwood drove an actual tank all the way to David Cameron’s constituency home, in Oxfordshire, in a bid to end the process of drilling down into the earth for shale gas, which environmentalists believe cause earth tremors and pollution. Ol’ Dave wasn’t at home, but the 74 year old’s message has certainly been heard (read: gone viral). Police have advised people to avoid the area.

    READ Dame Vivienne Westwood’s interview from our 35th Birthday Issue
