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    Now reading: we want to be draped in judy blame’s new jewellery collection


    we want to be draped in judy blame’s new jewellery collection

    How does this creative extraordinaire keep making magic out of bin bags and bobby pins?


    Judy Blame — the visionary who basically invented the fash career slash — designer/ art director/ fashion stylist — is taking over the The Golden Room at DSM with a new collection of handmade jewellery and accessories that are, clearly, genius. Tap into his brain below.

    The collection features a few of your iconic motifs – was there a reason to include these?
    I have realised that my work goes in a flow. I revisit things and sometimes I recycle the ideas. I am constantly using similar materials as that is how I collect things. Adding new stuff when I find it.

    Do you have a favourite piece?
    We made a necklace out of net and pearls that looks like it’s exploded, which I’m very fond of.

    How should they be worn?
    Anyway you like – My favourite parts of the body are the neck and waist and a few of them can do both. I also love experimenting with the badge!

    Is more really more?
    Less is better than more. Even though some pieces are quite large they are all made organically. The materials dictate the shape and size.

    How do you keep your ideas feeling and looking fresh?
    Endless curiosity.

    Does it feel weird to be an icon?
    I’m more creative monster than icon.

    Your pieces are very tactile – do you think that gets lost in the era of the computer screen?
    They are all about feelings. I love making something with my hands and get enormous pleasure from it.

    Your Instagram is amazing – where is your favourite place to find images? Do you find them and keep them or do you put them up as you find them?
    Sometimes I take a picture, sometimes I nick one that has inspired me. I also have an enormous archive of visuals that I have collected over the years. I used to do in book form but now I use the machines.

    Do you keep your favourite pieces for yourself?
    I always make sure I’m well supplied but I’m not precious about, and don’t mind letting things go.

    What is your favourite thing in your wardrobe and what does it mean to you?
    If you saw the size of my wardrobe you wouldn’t ask that question.

    What does it feel like to be Judy Blame?
    It’s been alright. Just use your emotions and be kind to people. Have an opinion.
