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    Now reading: wyoming ranch bans rappers after kanye’s album launch


    wyoming ranch bans rappers after kanye’s album launch

    No more parties in Wyoming.


    Last week Kanye hosted his Ye listening party at a ranch in Wyoming. It was big. Lots of famous people gathered around a campfire. 2 Chainz was there smoking a blunt with a pug.

    But clearly things got a little too lit, because now the owners of the ranch have banned rappers from the premises. All rappers. According to The Blast, the owner of the Diamond Cross Ranchin Jackson Hole Jane Golliher said that while Kanye’s party was great exposure, it was all a bit much really.

    The problem appears to be twofold: firstly, the party got really loud. The Blast reports that while the county’s sound limit after 10PM is 80 decibels (a garbage truck), Kanye’s reached 120 decibels (a chainsaw; thunder). This issue could have been mitigated had Kanye kept to his promise that the party would be over by 10PM, but he didn’t start it until 9.30pm. Cue inordinate frustration from both neighbors who just wanted a bit of shut eye, and livestream viewers at home trying not to fall asleep to a two-hour livestream of a bonfire.

    Secondly, Jane says that it was the “most confusing” event she’d organised, and that Kanye kept changing his mind “every 30 minutes.” Which is a valid contention, although surely as professional party host you’d invest in a modicum of research on your clientele first? Surely a brief peruse of his Twitter feed would prove that okay, maybe Kanye isn’t *exactly* reliable?

    Regardless, Jane maintains that she harbours no hard feelings towards Kanye. She just wants to ban all rappers from her ranch forever. Rappers are no longer welcome to take part in the thrilling activities the ranch’s website advertises, such as taking a break “from the ordinary to experience the extraordinary vistas and virtues of Jackson Hole.” Rappers cannot host their “corporate events and weddings” at Jane’s ranch any more, nor can they lose themselves in the magic of horse whispering and Western cooking.

    And while it’s understandable to keep unruly guests from rebooking your pad, it feels somewhat loaded with unconscious (and/or conscious) bias to exclusively target rappers. Why is Jonah Hill not banned? Kim Kardashian? Or the indisputable party boy extraordinaire, Lord Disick?

    Nevertheless, Jane has not ruled out all musical festivities in future. She is still open to hosting an event with “good music.” Which is, quite possibly, the shadiest review of Ye to date.
