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    Now reading: youth lens: meet the teens capturing the world around them


    youth lens: meet the teens capturing the world around them

    What does youth dream of? From street kids straight ups to watery reflections, we step behind the lens of five talented teens as they capture the world around them.


    David Uzochukwu, 16
    “I’m from Austria, but I live in Brussels now. I started taking photographs when I was ten, on a family holiday. There’s intimacy to a photograph, like you’re looking through the artist’s eyes. It shows something real and tangible. Even if my work is quite abstract sometimes, that gap is great; it messes with your emotions.”

    Gonçalo Alexandre, 17
    “When I was 13 I bought a cheap point and shoot camera and started taking pictures of my friends and family in Portugal. Then I found Tumblr, discovered this whole new inspiring world, and began to take photography more seriously. Photography has become a medium of self-discovery for me. I think my generation is often misunderstood and not taken seriously. It’s very hard being young during the financial crisis. So I said to myself ‘They can shut us up but they can’t hide us.’ I started shooting Portuguese teens almost every single day so everyone can see how strong we are.”

    Eden Bø Dower, 18
    “I see a lot of things I like and am inspired by, and think photography is the most effective way to document it, whether that’s people, fashion, or architecture. I started taking pictures when I got a camera for Christmas at age 12 and haven’t stopped since. I’m interested in capturing the culture of young people growing up in Britain today. I shoot my friends a lot; there’s something about shooting young people who are trying to find themselves that is really interesting.


    Tom Emmerson, 15
    “I started taking pictures when I got my first smart phone two years ago, but only really took up photography properly in May this year. I always found the idea of being able to freeze a moment in time fascinating. Fashion informs my work, but street style can be boring, everyone wears the same stuff.”

    Isabella Newman, 16
    “Photographs are the dream and the pinch at the same time. I get attached to movements that flicker with some pureness of emotion, so I feel a visceral need to hold on to them. Photography immortalizes that connection to those things. So then when you feel lonely, you still have your photographs — they’re your old friends.”
