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    Now reading: the youth of tel aviv doing it their way


    the youth of tel aviv doing it their way

    “What makes these people stand out is that they have chosen to go against the grain and be themselves,” says photographer Danny Lowe.


    “Being young in Tel Aviv is hard,” photographer Danny Lowe tells us. Military service is compulsory for anyone over 18. As the second most populated city in Israel, it’s central to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Trump has just announced recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, relocating the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv and stirring yet more political turmoil. Lorde recently pulled out of a scheduled gig in the city after significant backlash (which led to an American Rabbi taking out a full page ad to brand her a bigot, causing 100+ artists to sign an open letter supporting her decision).

    But young people are resilient and Tel Aviv is also a city erupting with life. There’s a hotbed of young creatives there, it has one of largest Pride parades in the world and a raft of kids doing it their way. So Danny sought a bunch of them out. He explains, “What makes these people stand out is that they have chosen to go against the grain and be themselves.” See for yourself.

    Lilla Roma, 24

    **Where are you from?

    **What’s the bravest thing you can do as a young person?
    **Leave everything and move to a new country.

    **What is the soundtrack to your life?
    **Dmitri Shostakovich, Waltz no. 2

    Fatima Fay Jakite, 22

    **What do you stand for?
    **I have no patience for racism, homophobia, sexism and violence. At the end of the day, we’re all human — we’re born the same and die the same.

    **What’s the best thing about being young and living in Tel Aviv?
    **The beach. Plus, there’s no other city like it in the world. The food, the culture — this is a non-stop city filled with diverse people that came to achieve their dreams, to take down boundaries and to start a new life.

    Dor Vaknin, 21

    **What do you do?

    **Why do you do it?
    **That’s the best way to express myself. Last October I presented my first collection, made entirely out of recycled leftover items taken from the legendary club called Tahat, which closed a year before.

    **What is the soundtrack to your life?
    **The Pussycat Dolls, Don’t Cha.

    Shaked Aiach, 17

    **What’s the best thing about being young and living in Tel Aviv?
    **Tel Aviv is one of the most vibrant, liberal and diverse cities in the world. We have a rich culinary scene, a hectic social life and, of course, beautiful weather.

    **What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
    **Never take sleeping pills and anti-constipation pills at the same time.

    Ben Alon, 20

    **What’s the bravest thing you can do as a young person?
    **Be who you are without fear.

    **What do you stand for?
    **The fact that we are all equal.

    **Omri Loukas, 24

    **What do you do?
    **I’m an actor and a filmmaker.

    **Why do you do it?
    **Because films are better than reality.

    **What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
    **Don’t search for perfection.

    Leeann Mor, 22

    **What do you stand for?
    **Good vibes only.

    **What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
    **Life is short. Take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the cake.

    Guy Michaely, 26

    **What’s the bravest thing you can do as a young person?
    **Be emotionally genuine.

    **What would be the soundtrack to your life?
    **A live extended remix of my coffee machine, my partner’s voice, my dog’s barks and my dad’s constant calls.

    Read about the Palestinian artist fighting stereotypes with sportswear here.


    Photography Danny Lowe
    Production Adi Huri
    Casting Mor Alcalay
