Fresh from releasing her brand new album, Yes, I’m a Witch Too, conceptual artist, activist, and musician Yoko Ono has penned an article for Us Weekly, sharing 25 really quite random things about herself which, to be honest, we didn’t actually know. But we’re very glad to know now. Here are some of our faves:
1. “John and I wasted 15 years eating macrobiotic and drinking soy milk, when all I wanted was a little half-and-half.”
2. “If I had to be reincarnated as an animal, I would choose a sparrow.”
3. “I like the way sunglasses look. I even wear them in the theater. My son always thought that was weird!”
4. “Everybody thinks that 2001 is Stanley Kubrick’s greatest film. But I’ve always preferred Lolita. That one gives me a giggle.”
5. “I know Mozart is supposed to be the greatest, but I prefer listening to Stravinsky underneath a grey sky.”
6. “I always had the hots for Alain Delon.”
7. “The last time I had alcohol was a Pink Lady sometime in the 1950s.”
8. “I’m Japanese, but sometimes I feel I am Swiss-German.”
9. “I had nothing to do with breaking up the Beatles. And I think Paul [McCartney] is a pretty cool dude.”
10. “Maybe people already know this, but I miss John every day.”
Text Tish Weinstock
Photography via WikiMedia Commons