It’s Robyn‘s birthday. Yes, the singer, songwriter, producer, DJ, queer icon and queen of cry-dancing in the club is an adaptable, intelligent and very good fun Gemini. She’s 41 today — somehow — and over two decades into her career, is arguably more relevant than ever. Her most recent album Honey came out in 2018 and was without a doubt one of the musical highlights of the past decade: an Ibizan-tinged party record that’ll serve you well through the lazy day after too, and while still fully capable of punching you right in the gut with its complex heartbreak.
Picture Robyn and you’ll likely see her dancing around the disco-lit gym to “Call Your Girlfriend”, fitted out in futuristic colourful leggings and huge Buffalo trainers. That was back in 2011 and while her aesthetic has certainly evolved since then — so long fluffy sweater, coucou Louis Vuitton — her desire for comfort. and her urgent need to move, remains.
As we daydream of partying with Birthday Robyn at Club DOMO (she recently welcomed fans into her mirrored dance studio — named after her 2010 banger “Dancing On My Own” — via a livestreamed DJ set), let’s obsess over some of her most iconic looks…